At Cornerstone, we want to lift high the name of Jesus. We’d prefer to talk more about Him than ourselves. We get it, though – you want to know what kind of church we are, what makes us tick… Well, there are a few things we hold close to our hearts.

We're an evangelical, Bible-believing church.

The Bible is not just another book but the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. If it's in the Bible, we want to know it, study it, preach it, and live it.

We're a Spirit-filled church.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who fills us, enables us to live a godly life, and empowers us for service.

Our heart is to make disciples.

We don't just want to gather a lot of people to listen to teaching. We want to help you to know the Bible and really live for God, so you can live a joyful, fulfilled life serving the King of Kings.

Church is not about the building.

The church is called to be a spiritual family of brothers and sisters who live in self-sacrificing love and radical unity, laying down their lives for one another.

We're small, and that's intentional.

We're building a community, not a business. You won't be just another number in a crowd. You'll be loved, you'll find a place to grow, and you'll have room to use your gifts here.

We're part of a church-planting movement.

Like the early church in the book of Acts, our heart is to spread the Gospel far and wide, building communities of disciples wherever God opens a door.
You can view our more in-depth Statement of Faith here.