2023 – Cornerstone Church
Preaching the Gospel, Making Disciples, Raising Up Leaders, and Establishing Churches Until the Whole Earth is Filled with the Glory of the Lord!Thu, 05 Jan 2023 16:12:42 +0000en-US
1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1https://cornerstonelakecountry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cropped-logo-favicon-1-32x32.png2023 – Cornerstone Church
3232If You Can Take It, You Can Make It
Sun, 01 Jan 2023 19:29:24 +0000https://cornerstonelakecountry.com/?p=11629
In the movie “Unbroken,” when Louis Zamperini is at a low point, ready to give up running, his brother Pete turns to him and says, ““If you can take it, you can make it. You train, you fight, way harder than those other guys. And you win. You get out from under them. Or… you keep going the way you’re going and you end up as a bum in the streets.” God wants to bless you and give you new levels of victory and freedom, but you’re not gonna get there if you don’t get up and fight for it. In 2023, set your heart to grab ahold of all God has for you and not let go.